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Getting started

Init your namespace

Get the library

See installation on how to retrieve the Reach library and its dependencies.

The bases

The Reach object

The Reach object is your only entry point.

const myReach = new Reach('https://io.datasync.orange.com/base/<your_namespace>');

See configuration to learn more on the available configuration possibilities.

Register a new User

Create a basic registration form with email & password and use its data:

myReach.register(email, password)
    .then(user => {
        // user is registered & authenticated

List Users & Rooms

Once the user is logged in, you can list all registered users and opened rooms:

// List users
    .then(users => {
        // users is the list of registered users excluding the current one
        // let's keep only the connected users
        window.myUsers = users.filter(user => user.status === 'CONNECTED');
// List rooms
    .then(rooms => {
        // list of opened rooms

Create a Room

All users can create a room.

    .then(room => {
        // room is the newly created room
        window.myRoom = room;
        // the current user has automatically joined the room

Invite one or more users

Let's assume, you have selected a list of users:

    .then((room, invites) => {
        // An invite has been sent to all users in myUsers
        // You can listen to invites responses
        invites.forEach(invite => {
            invite.on('ACCEPTED', i => {
                // Invite has been accepted
            invite.on('REJECTED', i => {
                // Invite has been accepted

Respond to invitations

First we need to listen to incoming invites:

myReach.on(Reach.events.reach.INVITE_ADDED, invite => {
    // New invite received, let's accept it
        .then(d => {
            // Join the room
            window.hisRoom = d.room;
            return d.room.join();

Share the camera

Once connected to the room, a user can share a media stream with the other participants of the room. Only the room participants will be able to view that stream.

myRoom.share(Reach.types.AUDIO_VIDEO, localVideoContainerNode, Reach.media.constraint('HD'))
    .then(localStream => {
        // The local Stream has been initiated, meaning `getUserMedia` has been called and that the video stream is displayed within
        // the `localVideoContainerNode`

See stream sharing to get more details.

Listen to shared streams

Listen to published stream right after joining the room so you won't miss any shared stream:

hisRoom.on(Reach.event.room.STREAM_PUBLISHED, remoteStream => {
    window.hisStream = remoteStream;
        .then(() => {
            // Remote stream is subscribed and the video should appear in the `remoteVideoContainerNode` when WebRTC peer connection is established